Pokud jste se nestihli v neděli večer dívat nebo si ho chcete připomenout, tak se můžete podívat na 12. díl z druhé série soutěže ČeskoSlovensko má Talent přímo zde na stránkách.
Pokud jste se nestihli v neděli večer dívat nebo si ho chcete připomenout, tak se můžete podívat na 12. díl z druhé série soutěže ČeskoSlovensko má Talent přímo zde na stránkách.
jejda ten Atai je fakt dost dobrejjj,,,ale ono asi bych souhlasila s porotou dnes je to na 4 finalisty
Když je to Česko-Slovensko má talent, pořádně by mě to mrzelo, kdyby vyhrál někdo jiný než čech nebo slovák. To by se opravdu název soutěže pak musel změnit. Doufám, že lidi budou při volbě rozumní.
je to ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý
je to dobrý
Ja nechapu lidi kteri nekoho pommlouvaj.pokud mate neco proti ataiovi tak jste kkti kouknete co dokazal on a pak se kouknete co jste za svuj zivot dokazali vy!!
she was so sorry because it treluy was out of her personality. So then I went oh fuck.. what have I done because I basically cheated on my girlfriend out of anger and I felt so bad about it. So all of that Sunday I felt guilty and wanted to tell her and she kept asking me whats wrong and I said nothing.. then Monday morning rolls around, and she left for work in the morning and I couldnt fall back asleep so I HAD to tell her I just felt guilty and I knew one of her friends would make it sound worse if they told her first so I messaged her on facebook and told her.. so she said wow i have some thinking to do today then so a few hours after that she text me and said were done and she will not be with a cheater and she will not ever forgive me and etc. So i said please call me and she said no, so i went to her work and her boss told me she doesnt want to talk to me, so I left and went to work for the rest of the day without texting her or hearing from her all day. I came home around 7 at night, and she came here with her whole family and took all her stuff and moved to her moms about an hour out of town. I did not try to contact her because im afraid of pushing her away. She blocked me from everything. Phone/facebook and told everyone she never wants to talk to me again.. a year and half relationship just thrown away from a bad mistake Its been two weeks since this all happened and ive only attempted to send one small message to her on facebook through a friend of mines facebook. The message was short, no blaming, no begging, no crying, it was short and basically i told her how sorry i was and how i feel, and i left the ball in her court to reach out to me.. My sister sometimes talks to her and she says shes not ready to speak to me and she seen the picture after about a week of me and the other girl at the bar, and apparently she will write me back when she is ready but right now she isnt ready I cant handle this.. I want to talk to her.. there was no closure I dont know what to do.. its been 2 weeks like i said and im scared to get ahold of her because i dont want to push her away.. but like wtf am i suppose to do? she is the love of my life and before you judge me she had done something to really hurt me back in the past aswell but im not going to get into it.. lets just say i gave her a chance for something way worse and i feel like shes not giving me one because she has all her friends digging in her head giving her false advice her facebook status today (which i seen thru a friends account) says Day 14.. Still not quite right its been 14 days since we broke up.. and i know she is still thinking about me but holding back.. do you think she is trying to teach me a lesson or do you think she is really forcing herself away.. this no contact/no talking is killing me inside i feel like my bestfriend and other half of my life has vanished from my life within 1 day. and I didnt even get to explain myself someone please give me some real advice on how i should approach this.. ive explained as best as i can im running out of room PS we were together for a year and a half.. she is the love of my life and i cant just let her go please help me..
Can you tell us more about this? I’d care to find out
some additional information.
By learning how to shoot using different techniques, you can be ready to make the shot even if the ball is in mid-air. Andeee Lance Alick